Saturday, May 22, 2010

USA - Verizon claims the USA has the "most intensely competitive wireless market on the planet"

[prnewswire] The Federal Communications Commission will release its annual wireless competition report on Thursday (May 20). For the first time since 2003, the report omitted the conclusion that the wireless marketplace is "effectively competitive." Commissioners Robert McDowell and Meredith Attwell Baker made statements questioning that omission and other elements of the report. The following statement should be attributed to Kathleen Grillo, Verizon senior vice president of federal regulatory affairs:

"The U.S. has the most intensely competitive wireless market on the planet, and it's becoming more competitive by the day. New devices and new apps hit the market constantly. Prices keep falling and usage keeps rising. Competition is bringing enormous benefits to consumers, as reflected in the American Customer Satisfaction Index's new report showing wireless customer satisfaction is at an all-time high. The facts and the record establish conclusively that the wireless marketplace is 'effectively competitive,' as the FCC has found in the previous six wireless competition reports. We look forward to reading the report and hope that it accurately reflects the dynamism and competitiveness of this evolving industry."

Verizon Statement on FCC Wireless Competition Report

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