Thursday, May 07, 2009

Europe: report of a meeting in Brussels on ICT standards, openness and the forthcoming EC white paper

[talk standards] The ICT Standards in Application - Resources, Structures & Cooperation in the Standards Landscape event took place on May 5, 2009 in Brussels.
There, technology market players, academics and standards experts gathered to discuss the role of standards in supporting innovation while realizing the promise of interoperability.

Two panels where held, focusing on the issues of interoperability though standards and the definition of openness in standards. These provided an opportunity for players such as Motorola, Philips and Microsoft as well as academics, consultants and commentators to express their views about this subject. Their debate was enriched by an informative contribution by Ms. Anne Lehouck from the European Commission, who explained the views of the European Commission on this issue, including giving background to the forthcoming White Paper on Standardisation, as well as answering questions from participants.

The second panel, “Openness & standards” was recorded for the purposes of a podcast and a number of Individual podcast interviews with panellists & participants also took place.

ICT Standards in Application: Resources, Structures & Cooperation in the Standards Landscape

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