Friday, May 08, 2009

Twitter: Nielsen maintains that most users give up within one month

[Internet news] Nielsen Online is standing behind the controversial analysis of the Twitter community it released last week, which found that for all the hype surrounding the microblogging phenom, most people who create an account end up abandoning the site within a month.

Nielsen's report was widely picked in the blogosphere and other online media outlets, drawing a flurry of criticism from the Twitterarti who were quick to point out that simply looking at activity on the site is an inaccurate measure of the community, given the myriad apps and off-site ways to access Twitter that have spring up.

A reader comment in response to the original report on about the Nielsen study was typical:

"I guess Nielsen didn't take into consideration that people do not need to visit the website anymore once they installed applications like DestroyTwitter or Tweetdeck or Seesmic," reader B. Moore wrote. "So IMHO there [sic] stats are wrong and they need to rethink how they measure twitter."

Nielsen did just that.

"We wanted specifically address the criticisms from the Twitter community that perhaps we sold them a little bit short by not including applications or adjacent Web sites that feed into the Twitter applications," Nielsen Online Vice President David Martin said in a video describing his analysis.

Martin said he broadened his study to look at more than 30 outside Web sites and applications that give users access to the Twitter community, such as TweetDeck, Twitstat and Tumblr.

"The results didn't really change," Martin said. "We still maintain that the majority of people who sign up for Twitter won't be around in a month."

Nielsen Sticking by Twitter Quitter Analysis

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